Version: Jewel Case Label: Amputated Vein Records Genre: Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR758 Year: 2004
This is the future of death metal, motherfuckers. Few bands can handle the task of balancing memorability, complexity, and intensity in their music, but Goratory are quickly becoming one of the best at it. So if you’re out of PCP, put this in your discman, find a crowd of people, and introduce them to the business end of a claw hammer. Brutality is an understatement.
Este es el futuro del death metal, hijos de puta. Pocas bandas pueden manejar la tarea de equilibrar la memorabilidad, la complejidad y la intensidad en su música, pero Goratory se está convirtiendo rápidamente en uno de los mejores. Así que si no tienes PCP,pon esto en tu discman, encuentra una multitud de personas y preséntales el fin comercial de un martillo. La brutalidad es un eufemismo..
1. Anally Injected Death Sperm 2. Rice on Suede 3. 8 Seconds of Fury 4. Headie Mung Festizzeo 5. Whose Spine Is It Anyways 6. Fuckhole 7. Hang Em’ and Bang Em’ 8. Your Muthas a Lazy-Eyed Chow Bearing Slut but I Fucked Her Anyways 9. Mutilate Remodified