Hæresiarchs of Dis

Hæresiarchs of Dis
In Obsecration of the Seven Darks

$ 9.000

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Version: Digipack
Label: Moribund
Genre: Black Metal
Type: Full-Length

Availability: 4
Catalog: DTR2472
Year: 2011


After blazing trails with his “Denuntiatis Cinis” debut for MORIBUND and reaping unanimously fanatic praise from the international press, one-man maelstrom of miasmic misery HAERESIARCHS OF DIS returns with his hotly anticipated “In Obsecration of the Seven Darks”. Taking the previous album to more epic and extreme ends, main man Cernunnos summons forth a frightening and bold vision of black metal: the complexity more entangling, the experimental touches even further out there, the violence absolutely mesmerizing. HAERESIARCHS OF DIS now enters the uppermost echelon of black metal.


Después de abrir camino con su debut en “Denuntiatis Cinis” para MORIBUND y cosechar elogios unánimemente fanáticos de la prensa internacional, la vorágine unipersonal de miseria miasmática HAERESIARCHS OF DIS regresa con su muy esperado “In Obsecration of the Seven Darks”. Llevando el álbum anterior a extremos más épicos y extremos, el protagonista Cernunnos evoca una visión aterradora y audaz del black metal: la complejidad más enredadora, los toques experimentales aún más allá, la violencia absolutamente fascinante. HAERESIARCHS OF DIS ahora entra en el escalón más alto del black metal. .

1. In Obsecration of the Seven Darks 06:02
2. Onward Through the Oculus 02:48
3. Remembrance of He Who Defied God 07:20
4. Aut Vincere Aut Mori 05:33
5. Confounded by the Vanquished Coil 06:46
6. Passage 04:18
7. Ensorcelled by Khaos (Emperor cover) 06:00
8. Grazioso Drone 02:24
9. Consummation of the Seed/ Dawn 09:38




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