Bringing their own brand of gargantuan slam death brutality, Crepitation have assembled 10 tracks of intense death metal with old school txdm style slam and even some grindcore influences that will satisfy all fans of extreme music. With their signature insane song titles such as ‘Patholigical Armoured Ferret Tank’ and ‘Spunkated Rapised Enfuckment’, and a lashing of samples to ensure hilarity throughout, ‘The Violence of the Slams’ is the record that all fans of the band have been waiting for. Featuring guest vocals by Pascal from Amagortis and featuring members from across the UKDM scene, Crepitation have delivered some brutally brutal brutality. For fans of GUTTURAL SECRETE, PROPHECY TX, KATALEPSY, PUTRID PILE.

Trayendo su propia marca de Brutal Slam, Crepitation ha reunido 10 pistas de death metal intenso con slam estilo txdm de la vieja escuela e incluso algunas influencias grindcore que satisfarán a todos los fanáticos de la música extrema. Con sus exclusivos títulos de canciones como ‘Patholigical Armored Ferret Tank’ y ‘Spunkated Rapised Enfuckment’, y un azote de muestras para garantizar la hilaridad en todo momento, ‘The Violence of the Slams’ es el álbum que todos los fanáticos de la banda han estado esperando. para. Con la voz invitada de Pascal de Amagortis y miembros de toda la escena de UKDM, Crepitation ha brindado una brutalidad brutalmente brutal. Para fanáticos de GUTTURAL SECRETE, PROPHECY TX, KATALEPSY, PUTRID PILE.

1. Engulfed in Enjoogulation
2. Pathological Armoured Ferret Tank
3. Elephantitis Jimmy Hill Style Gigantic Chin Pandas
4. Slagatha Fistie and the Wank Machine
5. Paedophillic Back Passage Ensmashment
6. Shittifying Quaffage of Hideous Smegmatic Rectal Chunder
7. Velocirapist and the Slamasorearse Sex
8. Spunkated Rapised Enfuckment
9. Tummified Thinsulation of Fetid Cranial Putresence
10.Ophthalmic Arterial Hammerage