Version: Jewel Case Label: Ablaze Productions Genre: Thrash Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 2 Catalog: DTR775 Year: 2012
Expected second COMMANDO attack this time with the inclusion of Raptor (Ex-DETONATION DISTRO) in the vocals giving a more violent and even more thrasher touch to this production !!!!!!!.
Esperado segundo ataque de COMMANDO esta vez con la inclusión de Raptor (Ex-DETONATION DISTRO) en las vocales dándole un toque mas violento y aun mas thrasher a esta producción!!!!!!! .
1. Intro 2. Thrashin Your Ears 3. S.B.K. 4. Counter Strike 5. Fuckaholic 6. Scarface 7. The Corpse Collector 8. Night Stalker 9. Rambo the War Machine 10.Contraataque 11.S.B.K. (live) 12.Kill the Posers (live)