Version: Jewel Case Label: Apocalyptic Productions Genre: Death Metal Type: EP
Availability: 5 Catalog: DTR846 Year: 2013
Chilean Death Metal created by two veterans (Dominus Xul, Inanna, Trimegisto) that praise the Horror, Darkness and Death. The 6 tracks included in “Gathered Unto Death” are a must for fans of the most rotten and archaic Death Metal in the vein of Grave, Incantation, Asphyx, Death (old) and Deicide (old) .
Death Metal chileno creado por dos veteranos (Dominus Xul, Inanna, Trimegisto) que alaban el Horror, la oscuridad y la muerte. Gathered Unto Death incluye 6 temas que son imprescindibles para fanáticos del Death Metal más arcaico y podrido en la línea de Grave, Incantation, Asphy, Death 8old) y Deicide (old)
1. Intro: Crawling Infertility 2. Condemned to Rot 3. Timeless Abomination 4. Church Possessed 5. Out of the Grave 6. Perverted by the Unknown