King Heavy

King Heavy
King Heavy

$ 7.500

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Version: Jewel Case
Label: Cruz del Sur Music
Genre: Doom
Type: Full-Length

Availability: 3
Catalog: DTR2282
Year: 2015



Featuring the vocalist of Belgian doom metal act Hooded Priest, KING HEAVY hails from Chile. And more importantly, King Heavy rocks! Aside from strong elements of Candlemass and of the more traditional doom metal sound, the band offers tons of EPIC arrangements and a twisted touch that definitely reminds of Black Sabbath’s ‘Born Again’, Celtic Frost’s ‘Into the Pandemonium’ and the early, darkest side of Danzig..


Con el vocalista del acto belga del doom metal Hooded Priest, KING HEAVY es oriundo de Chile. Y lo más importante, ¡King Heavy Rockea! Además de los elementos fuertes de Candlemass y del sonido de doom metal más tradicional, la banda ofrece toneladas de arreglos EPIC y un toque retorcido que definitivamente recuerda a ‘Born Again’ de Black Sabbath, ‘Into the Pandemonium’ de Celtic Frost y el lado más temprano y oscuro. de Danzig.. 

1. La Gárgola
2. Life A.D.
3. As Dawn Broke on the Day
4. Thirteen Chosen Ones
5. Wounds
6. The Crowning
7. He Who Spoke in Tongues



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