

$ 7.500

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Version: Jewel Case
Label: Rotten Cemetery Records
Genre: Death Metal
Type: Full-Length

Availability: 30
Catalog: DTR1727
Year: 2015



Obscure and breathless technical brutal death metal, with vociferations, insane riffing with continouous blast beats along with the low and severe bass frequency, an instrument decoding the engimatic mythology from Chiloé (south of Chile). Strange beigns glimsped along the disc, drive the course as a slight whisper in a lonely forest, in the dark and cold night, will make you feel the deep, intense and sacred… fear. For fans of INCANTATION, MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION, HATE ETERNAL..


Oscuro y sin aliento técnico brutal death metal, con vociferaciones, riffs insanos con ritmos de explosión continuos junto con la frecuencia de graves baja y severa, un instrumento que decodifica la mitología engimática de Chiloé (sur de Chile). Extraños pergaminos a lo largo del disco, conducen el curso como un leve susurro en un bosque solitario, en la noche oscura y fría, te hará sentir el miedo profundo, intenso y sagrado … Para los fanáticos de INCANTATION, MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION, HATE ETERNAL.

1. Piguchen
2. Imbunche
3. Kalewtun
4. Trenkaivilu
5. Fiura
6. Kamahueto
7. La Voladora
8. Kalkü



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