Version: Jewel Case Label: Nightbreaker Productions Genre: Thrash Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 4 Catalog: DTR1829 Year: 2015
First album from ’15 by this italian band that plays a Thrash Metal with a technical feel and influences in the vein of REALM, HEATHEN, AGENT STEEL, OVERKILL, FORBIDDEN….
Primer álbum del ’15 de esta banda italiana que toca un Thrash Metal con un toque técnico e influencias en plan REALM, HEATHEN, AGENT STEEL, OVERKILL, FORBIDDEN ...
1. Cane arrabbiato (Rabid Dog) 2. Blind 3. Human 4. The Springwood Slasher 5. You Deserve to Die 6. My Day 7. Serial Victim 8. Parasite 9. La polizia non può sparare