Extreme Noise Terror

Extreme Noise Terror
A Holocaust in Your Head

$ 7.500

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Version: Jewel Case
Label: Xaria Music
Genre: Grindcore
Type: Full-Length

Availability: 1
Catalog: DTR1731
Year: 2016



The trademark ENT noise terrorizing pummeling that has done well for this original UK band over the last fifteen years (which has included appearances on Top Of The Pops, records with the legendary dance act the KLF and more than one or two John Peel Sessions). In the world of crusty Discharge-clones, Extreme Noise Terror are the kings of Crust/Punk perversion. Their abrasive, dual voiced, grinding brutality will maim, pulverize, and destroy small animals and children, leaving a nuked-out wasteland in their wake. A Holocaust In Your Head features 21 tracks of fast-paced, manic Crust-Core. Imagine putting Discharge and Napalm Death in a blender, drinking the mix, and spitting it in your grandma’s face. 21 tracks of government overthrowing, animal loving, racist bashing, political as fuck Crust/Punk, all served up in pummelling doses. .


La marca registrada ENT que aterroriza el golpeteo que ha funcionado bien para esta banda original del Reino Unido durante los últimos quince años (que ha incluido apariciones en Top Of The Pops, discos con el legendario acto de baile KLF y más de una o dos sesiones de John Peel). En el mundo de los crujientes clones de descarga, Extreme Noise Terror son los reyes de la perversión de la corteza / punk. Su brutalidad abrasiva, de doble voz y abrasadora mutilará, pulverizará y destruirá pequeños animales y niños, dejando un páramo destruido a su paso. Un Holocausto en tu cabeza presenta 21 pistas de ritmo rápido y maníaco Crust-Core. Imagina poner Discharge y Napalm Death en una licuadora, beber la mezcla y escupirla en la cara de tu abuela. 21 pistas de derrocamiento del gobierno, amantes de los animales, ataques racistas, políticas como Crust / Punk, todo servido en dosis aplastantes. .

1. Statement
2. Deceived
3. Take the Strain
4. Conned Through Life
5. We the Helpless
6. Show Us You Care
7. Innocence to Ignorance
8. Use Your Mind
9. Murder
10. Another Nail in the Coffin
11. Raping the Earth
12. Bullshit Propaganda
13. If Your Only in It for the Music (S.O.D. Off!)



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