Demonic Rage
Demonic Rage Venomous Wine from Putrid Bodies |
$ 25.000 |
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Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Genre: Death Metal
Type: Full-Length
Catalog: DISTROVYN141
Year: 2014

Prolifically (and violently) active since the beginning of the milennium, DEMONIC RAGE are frontline warriors of the white-hot Chilean death metal scene. DEMONIC RAGE sound very much like their moniker – clawing, gnawing, muscular and possessed – and as a title, Venomous Wine From Putrid Bodies is even more fitting, for these four maniacs compress a literally insane level of blasphemous, bloodlusting violence into a mere 31 minutes. However, their attack is as finessed as it is filthy, and their execution straddles chaos and control with absolute ease. Give in to DEMONIC RAGE….
Prolicalmente (y violentamente) activos desde el comienzo del milenio, DEMONIC RAGE son guerreros de primera línea de la candente escena del death metal chileno. DEMONIC RAGE suena muy parecido a su apodo: garra, roer, musculoso y poseído, y como título, Venomous Wine From Putrid Bodies es aún más apropiado, ya que estos cuatro maníacos comprimen un nivel literalmente loco de violencia blasfema y sanguinaria en solo 31 minutos. Sin embargo, su ataque es tan fino como inmundo, y su ejecución se extiende sobre el caos y el control con absoluta facilidad. Ríndete a DEMONIC RAGE … .
1. Repugnant Shapes in a Ritualistic Coven of Death 03:34
2. Evoking the Pestilence 03:03
3. Cadaver Christ’s Desecration 00:58
4. Everlasting Plagues of Nauseous Wickedness 02:48
5. Sulphuric Congregation Towards the Holocaust of All Sacred and Holy 05:22
6. The Fall of Nazarene 04:06
7. Ancient Symbol to Summon Necrophagous Demons from the Deep 06:20
8. All Pest Shall Fall over Me 05:39
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