“The Impious Doctrine” is the most awaited brutal death album from Basque Country (Spain). After a long wait returns with this new full length loaded with more violence and intensity than ever! Technical and devastating guitar riffs, crushing double bass drums and extreme blasts, an incredible sick bass line, and with a countless ultra guttural vocals! For true fans of Disavowed, Septycal Gorge, Origin, Guttural Secrete, Unmerciful and more… do not miss it!.

“The Impious Doctrine” es el álbum mas esperado de Brutakl Death Metal del País Vasco. Luego de una larga espera este nuevo larga duración cargado con mas violencia e intensidad que el anterior. Riffs técnicosy devastadores, aplastantes riffs de bajos y explosiones extremas, ultragutirales voces. Para verdaderos fans de Disavowed, Septycal Gorge, Origin, Guttural Secrete, Unmerciful y más….IMPERDIBLE!!

1. Raised Toward Heaven
2. Epiphanies of Perverse Egocentrism
3. Steeped in Magnanimity
4. Grotesque Expiation of Dissolute Lambs
5. Secularize
6. Anatomic Human Degradation
7. Serpent’s Nest
8. The Threshold of Obliteration
9. Anthropophagous Infanticide
10.Transferable Malignity