Version: Jewel Case Label: Razed Soul Productions Genre: Black Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 2 Catalog: DTR1971 Year: 2014
Rising Okkult Spiritus is the debut full length from Chilean artist Antartandes. Drenched in a thick cloud of mysticism and oozing a web of pounding darkness, the seven tracks comprising the release will appeal to a black metal traditionalist who prefers a sledgehammer driven to the head.
Rising Okkult Spiritus es el debut de los chilenos de Antartandes.Empapados en una espesa nube de misticismo y exudando una red de palpitante oscuridad, las siete pistas que componen el lanzamiento atraerán a un tradicionalista de black metal que prefiere un mazo clavado en la cabeza .
1. Opening the Portals 2. Impetus 3. Spiritual Descent 4. Secret Unknown Regime 5. Ethereal Dominance 6. Another Dimension 7. Lost Supremacy