Version: Jewel Case Label: Pagan Flames Productions Genre: Black Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR1377 Year: 2010
Loaded with bizarre yet raw and vicious wild black metal attacks, S.A.P. once again decends to a new sub-level of swirling chaos and depravity enshrouded with downward-spiraling black metal weirdness. For listeners who previously shunned the band due to it’s strangely ridiculous moniker (though no more ridiculous than the namesakes of countless other black metal acts), the music on Pulsing Feral Spire will prove undoubtedly that S.A.P. is deadly serious about their art, while fully embracing their – perhaps largely misunderstood – extremely dark and twisted sense of humour..
Cargado con ataques de black metal salvajes extraños pero crudos y viciosos, S.A.P.una vez más desciende a un nuevo subnivel de caos y depravación arremolinados envueltos en una rareza del black metal en espiral descendente.Para los oyentes que previamente rechazaron a la banda debido a su apodo extrañamente ridículo (aunque no más ridículo que los homónimos de innumerables otros actos de black metal), la música de Pulsing Feral Spire demostrará sin duda que toma muy en serio su arte, al tiempo que abraza plenamente su, quizás en gran parte incomprendido, sentido del humor extremadamente oscuro y retorcido..
1. To Seek His Maker 2. Barren Voices 3. From Lust to Necromancy 4. It Bleeds 5. Haunting the Spaces Between 6. The Labyrinth of Asterion 7. Orbs of Turmoil 8. Cursed with Weakness…Enslaved by Fear 9. We Shall All Be Forgotten