Version: Jewel Case Label: Nightbreaker Productions Genre: Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR1504 Year: 2014
First album from ’15 by this italian band that plays a primitive Death/ Black in the vein of southamerican bands like SARCOFAGO, early MASACRE, SEXTRASH, HOLOCAUSTO….
Primer álbum del ’15 de esta banda italiana que toca un primitivo Death / Black en la línea de bandas sudamericanas como SARCOFAGO, primeros MASACRE, SEXTRASH, HOLOCAUSTO ….
1. La terra vi sia greve 2. Wargiastic Deathstorm 3. Vomit on the Crucifix 4. Madre rabbia 5. Sottomissione 6. …and the Gates of Hell Opened 7. Traditori al rogo 8. Weltschlacht / Beyond the Black Dawn 9. Manifesto barbarico 10.Intro / L’infame stirpe 11.Warhammer of Supremacy 12.Blessed in Necromancy