Version: Jewel Case Label: Gate of Horror Productions Genre: Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR2389 Year: 2017
Segundo álbum del 2014 de esta banda peruana de brutal e intenso Death Metal con influencias en plan MALEVOLENT CREATION, DEATH, DEICIDE, CANNIBAL CORPSE….
Segundo álbum del 2014 de esta banda peruana de brutal e intenso Death Metal con influencias en plan MALEVOLENT CREATION, DEATH, DEICIDE, CANNIBAL CORPSE….
1. When Children Murder 2. Tetrodotoxin 3. First-degree Murder 4. Kidnapped and Killed 5. Psychopath 6. Wish You Were Dead (Again) 7. Feasting with Feces 8. Regurgitating Human Parts 9. Acrotomophile Mutilator 10.Devouring the Living 11.Worse than Being Dead