Version: Jewel Case Label: Rawforce Productions Genre: Death Metal Type: Live Album
Availability: 1 Catalog: DTR0744 Year: 2013
Astonishing record captured in old school reunion fest for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the album oppressed by the force of his countrymen Torturer, including new and unreleased songs..
Registro asombroso capturado en el festival de reunión de la vieja escuela para la celebración del 20 aniversario del álbum oprimido por la fuerza de su compatriota Torturer, incluidas canciones nuevas e inéditas. .
1. The Session
2. Twilight Spectres
3. Greed Supremacy
4. Bleed in the Altar
5. Blind Servants
6. Faceless Torment
7. Unholy Temple
8. Beyond Reality