Version: Jewel Case Label: Satanath Records Genre: Black Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR1889 Year: 2012
Melodic yet primitive and thoroughly atmospheric black metal bleeding with vampirism, true worship of darkness, and eerie Satanism..
Black metal melódico pero primitivo y completamente atmosférico sangrando con vampirismo, verdadera adoración a la oscuridad y satanismo espeluznante..
1. Strigoi 2. Wampyric Madness 3. Lands Vampire’s 4. Graves in Carpathians 5. Wolves 6. Bitter Wampyric Blood 7. Raw and Blood 8. Satanic War 9. Winter Crypt 10.Black Hymn 11.Possessed of a Goat 12.Perkele