Thornspawn / Istidraj

Thornspawn / Istidraj
Sacrilegious Unification Spawn of Abominable Darkness & Hate

$ 7.500

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Version: Jewel Case
Label: Iron, Blood and Death Corporation
Genre: Black Metal
Type: Full-Length

Availability: 3
Catalog: DTR1747
Year: 2013


A quite destroying split with two fierce bands that spill darkness and hate, as the title so rightfully suggests,, this is grim Black Metal of the skullsplitting kind, with some good melodies hidden beneath the chaos and darkness, delve into it, though watch out, if you first get caught in the vortex, there might not be a way out again


Una división bastante devastadora con dos bandas feroces que derraman oscuridad y odio, como el título sugiere con tanta razón, este es Black Metal sombrío del tipo que rompe cráneos, con algunas buenas melodías escondidas debajo del caos y la oscuridad, profundiza en él, aunque ten cuidado. , si te atrapan por primera vez en el vórtice, es posible que no haya una salida de nuevo

1. Thornspawn – I, the Great Incinerator of Deceased Jerusalem
2. Thornspawn – Blood Spilled upon Thrones of Absu
3. Thornspawn – From the Jakals Womb
4. Thornspawn – My Altar Shall Be Your Grave
5. Istidraj – Pandemonik Kaos
6. Istidraj – Dawn of Conquering
7. Istidraj – God Fukkin Sodomy
8. Istidraj – Satanik Warfare




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