Version: Jewel Case Label: Bloody Productions Genre: Death Metal Type: EP
Availability: 4 Catalog: DTR1288 Year: 2013
Bastardized mixture of black and death metal in the vein of Necros Christos, Grave Miasma, early Rotting Christ, Mortuary Drape, Varathron… Nearly 30 min. lenght mini album!.
Mezcla bastarda de black y death metal en la línea de Necros Christos, Grave Miasma, Early Rotting Christ, Mortuary Drape, Varathron … Casi 30 álbum de longitud!.
1. Névoa e Negrume (Intro) 2. Lôstregos sob as Tumbas 3. Meianoite no Jardim de deus 4. Deitam Sangue os Muros 5. O Dragóm 6. Coroado Seja (Trono Áureo) 7. O Abismo (Outro)