Version: Digipack Label: Aesthetic Death Records Genre: Doom Type: Full-Length
Availability: 4 Catalog: DTR1291 Year: 2012
Original recorded in 2010, no re-released on noble digipack by fine english underground label AESTHETIC DEATH. Be prepared for intense sludgy Doom that will use your blood like the wild sea. For fans of HERDER and WEEDEATER a must..
Originalmente grabado en 2010, no relanzado en digipack noble por el sello underground inglés AESTHETIC DEATH.Prepárate para un intenso y fangoso Doom que usará tu sangre como el mar salvaje.Para los fanáticos de HERDER y WEEDEATER es imprescindible..
1. Still 2. Into the Waves 3. Shipwrecked 4. The Siren 5. Octagon 6. Chaser 7. The Oracle