Version: Jewel Case Label: Stygian Crypt Productions Genre: Folk Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 4 Catalog: DTR2483 Year: 2013
Second album by the Russian band Last Wail of viking metal with a death cut with faster rhythms, close to melodic death metal. All this always while a flute plays in the background and the rhythms calm down and are accompanied by more epic and acoustic riffs. for Eluveitie and Ensiferum fans..
Segundo disco de la banda rusa Last Wail de viking metal de corte death con ritmos más rápidos, cercanos al death metal melódico. Todo esto siempre mientras suena una flauta de fondo y los ritmos se tranquilizan y se acompañan de riffs más épicos y acústicos. para fanaticos de Eluveitie y Ensiferum .
1. Battleforce
2. Last Wail
3. The Divine Amulet
4. Blood Rivers for the Countess
5. The Savior
6. Northern Shores
7. Bloodlust Huntress
8. Undine and the Wanderer
9. My Last Prayer
10. Farewell
11. Cards with Mephisto
12. Memories
13. Games of Thrones