Version: Jewel Case Label: Morbid Generation Records Genre: Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 3 Catalog: DTR1601 Year: 2015
First album of 2015 by this german band that plays a piggy hybrid of Slam Brutal Death with Gore / Grind mixing influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, GUTALAX, VULVECTOMY, NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE, CEPHALOTRIPSY ….
Primer álbum del 2015 de esta banda alemana que practica un cerdisimo híbrido de Slam Brutal Death con Gore/ Grind mezclando influencias en plan DEVOURMENT, GUTALAX, VULVECTOMY, NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE, CEPHALOTRIPSY….
1. Enterocele by Getting Fucked 2. Fucked Back and Aborted 3. Craniectomy 4. Brutal Castration 5. Cock-o-Copter 6. Cunt Lickin’ Syndrome 7. Intestinal Fisting