Split album of two hordes from Polish Underground. Music for fans of uncompromising, dark, unholy, underground music. Both bands present two blasphemies each plus four classics. The cover songs are a tribute to SLAYER, MAYHEM, PESTILENCE, SARCOFAGO, BLASPHEMY, ASSASSIN, RAMONES, OBITUARY. This release contains 45 minutes of music being a tribute to the old times of extreme music. Split released in a standard case. All copies hand numbered. Special CD with graphic pressing!!!.

Álbum Split de dos hordas del metro polaco. Música para fanáticos de la música intransigente, oscura, impía y underground. Ambas bandas presentan dos blasfemias cada una más cuatro clásicos. Las canciones de portada son un homenaje a SLAYER, MAYHEM, PESTILENCE, SARCOFAGO, BLASPHEMY, ASSASSIN, RAMONES, OBITUARY. Este lanzamiento contiene 45 minutos de música que es un tributo a los viejos tiempos de la música extrema. Split lanzado en un caso estándar. Todas las copias numeradas a mano. CD especial con estampado gráfico !!!D.

1. Embrional – Homicide
2. Embrional – The Abyss of Human Soul
3. Embrional – Buried by Time and Dust (Mayhem cover)
4. Embrional – Rotting (Sarcófago cover)
5. Embrional – Land of Tears (Pestilence cover)
6. Embrional – Death & Destruction (compilation of covers)
7. Empheris – Lovecraft
8. Empheris – Black Pyramid
9. Empheris – Assassin (Assassin cover)
10.Empheris – I Don’t Believe in Miracles (Ramones cover)
11.Empheris – Atomic Nuclear Desolation (Blasphemy cover)
12.Empheris – Slowly We Rot (Obituary cover)