Ecuadorian commando re-edition of debut album is another item for fanatics of the underground, true, uncompromising music from South America. Music set in the musty tombs of early death metal. Rotten, dirty sound devour the ears of every devoted fan. Blasphemous, satanic, vicious texts in the merciless growling. Iconoclastic, anti-religious graphics. It all adds up to the Disaster Bestial, Hell, Old-School Death Metal. Listen to “Subugador – In Goat We Trust” or die. Ecuadorian commando re-edition of debut album is another item for fanatics of the underground, true, uncompromising music from South America. Music set in the musty tombs of early death metal. Rotten, dirty sound devour the ears of every devoted fan. Blasphemous, satanic, vicious texts in the merciless growling. Iconoclastic, anti-religious graphics. It all adds up to the Disaster Bestial, Hell, Old-School Death Metal. Listen to “Subugador – In Goat We Trust” or die. .

La reedición del álbuk debut del comando ecuatoriano es otro elemento para los fanáticos de la música underground, verdadera e intransigente de América del Sur. Música ambientada en las mohosas tumbas del death metal temprano. El sonido podrido y sucio devora los oídos de cada fanático devoto. Textos blasfemos, satánicos y viciosos en el despiadado gruñido. Gráficos iconoclastas, antirreligiosos. Todo se suma al desastre Bestial, Hell, Old-School Death Metal. Escuche “Subugador – In Goat We Trust” o muera..

1. Intro
2. My Hope (War.Ma.666.Doom)
3. Gods of Depravaty
4. O.D.I.R.
5. Necro Sexual Averrations
6. Total Holocaust
7. Son of the Mourning
8. Death Terror
9. Bestial
10.Satan Metal
11.Kill to Christ
12.In Goat We Trust (Outro)