Double CD of these Death Metal veterans, includes the demos Necropsy (1991), Peace? (1991), Sick Entrails of Humanity (1992), Corpse Grinder (1994), Necrorealism (1998), and Live Tape (1999).

Doble cd de CD de estos veteranos del Death Metal, incluye los demos Necropsy (1991), Peace ? (1991),Sick Entrails of Humanity (1992), Corpse Grinder (1994), Necrorealism (1998) y Live Tape (1999).

Disc 1
1. Necropsy
2. Short Cut to Death
3. Extinction
4. Grinded Corpses
5. Pigs
6. Youth and Freedom
7. Medieval Horrors
8. Religious Life
9. Infernal Genetic Meliogration
10.Under the Toxic Waste
11.Rotten Human Carcass
12.Lethal Inteligence
13.The Oppressor
14.Brutal Death
15.Actual World
16.Self Degradation Process
17.Acting in the Shadows
18.From the Populations
19.No Military Rulers
Disc 2
1. Slaves of Thoughts
2. Blindness for the Reality
3. Burning in Holocaust
4. Rotten Human Carcass
5. Actual World
6. No Military Rules
7. Cryptic Realms (Massacre cover)
8. Shadow’s Land
9. When Have no Answer
11.Doors of Perception
13.When Have no Answer
15.Rotten Human Carcass
16.Shadow’s Land
17.Actual World
18.Against the World (Unleashed cover)
19.Doors of Perception