
Centrophlebomyia Anthropophaga

$ 7.500

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Version: Jewel Case
Label: Thanatology Productions
Genre: Death Metal
Type: EP

Availability: 2
Catalog: DTR1547
Year: 2014


This EP is the first release for Cadaverist, which is very old school death metal with no commerce nor fashion melody. Tradition growl with slowly riff, let you back to the prosperous period for the Death metal in 90’s. If you enjoyed in OBITUARY, just try this, you will satisfied!!.


Este EP es el primer lanzamiento de Cadaverist, que es el death metal de la vieja escuela sin comercio ni melodía de moda. La tradición gruñe con riff lento, te permite volver al período próspero para el Death metal en los años 90. Si disfrutaste en OBITUARY, solo prueba esto, ¡estarás satisfecho! .

1. Bleached Bones (Intro)
2. Half-Eaten Corpse
3. The Joy of Killing
4. Firebomb Incineration
5. Recursive Death
6. Cannibalistic Homoerotic Necrophilia
7. Picked Clean (Outro)



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