Bolth Thrower
Bolth Thrower Mercenary |
$ 25.000 |
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Label: Metal Blade Records
Genre: Death Metal
Type: Full-Lengthy
Catalog: DISTROVYN045
Year: 2014

One of Britain’s most consistent and enduring death metal bands, Birmingham’s Bolt Thrower has weathered the best and worst of times in the extreme genre’s history without ever giving in to commercial temptations, or hardly even altering its sound. The fact that they were unusually blessed with a steady lineup throughout much of their career no doubt contributed to this stability, and though they were rarely bestowed wild praise for their efforts, with most of their competitors or contemporaries either adopting other styles or long retired, Bolt Thrower has gradually established itself as one of the best death metal bands ever to emerge from England.
Una de las bandas de death metal más consistentes y duraderas de Gran Bretaña, Bolt Thrower de Birmingham ha resistido los mejores y peores momentos de la historia del género extremo sin ceder ante las tentaciones comerciales, o apenas alterar su sonido. El hecho de que fueron bendecidos inusualmente con una alineación constante durante gran parte de su carrera, sin duda, contribuyó a esta estabilidad, y aunque rara vez fueron elogiados por sus esfuerzos, la mayoría de sus competidores o contemporáneos adoptaron otros estilos o se retiraron hace mucho tiempo. Bolt Thrower se ha establecido gradualmente como una de las mejores bandas de death metal que ha surgido de Inglaterra..
1. Zeroed
2. Laid to Waste
3. Return from Chaos
4. Mercenary
5. To the Last…
6. Powder Burns
7. Behind Enemy Lines
8. No Guts, No Glory
9. Sixth Chapter
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