Bestial Mockery
Bestial Mockery Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw |
$ 25.000 |
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Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Genre: Black Thrash Metal
Type: Full-Length
Catalog: DISTROVYN104
Year: 2013

Their long out-of-print debut album (often regarded as their finest effort), now available again. Unpure, unholy, untight buzzing chainsaw guitars thrashing ugly punkish black metal riffs backed by mental vocals screaming rants of war, hate, blasphemy and Satan. Features new artwork (in color) by Chris Moyen. FOR DIE HARDS OF: Nifelheim, Gospel of the Horns, Venom, NunSlaughter.
Su álbum debut agotado (a menudo considerado como su mejor esfuerzo), ahora disponible nuevamente. Guitarras de motosierras impuras, impías e imprudentes que zumban riffs feos de punk black metal respaldados por voces mentales que gritan desvaríos de guerra, odio, blasfemia y Satanás. Presenta nuevas ilustraciones (en color) de Chris Moyen. PARA MUERTE DURO DE: Nifelheim, Gospel of the Horns, Venom, NunSlaughter .
1. Bestial Warfare
2. Suicide Blasphemy
3. Bestial Satanic Sacrifice
4. Crucified in Dirt
5. Warfuck
6. Morbid Invertation
7. Chainsaw Inkarnated
8. Raise the Chalice
9. Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw
10. Final Attack