Memento Mori is proud to release Exitium, the debut full-length by this Oakland, CA based band. What you get here is a riffage feast in the form of Sludge/Doom with a crustie edge and hints of Proto-Doom/Heavy-Blues, like an ugly, pounding, tight and downtuned mix of Eyehategod, Black Sabbath, Crowbar, Brainoil and Grief that will drag you into an aural swamp and leave you gasping for air. .

Memento Mori se enorgullece en lanzar Exitium, el debut de larga duración de esta banda con sede en Oakland, California. Lo que obtienes aquí es una fiesta riffage en forma de Sludge / Doom con un toque crujiente y toques de Proto-Doom / Heavy-Blues, como una mezcla fea, palpitante, apretada y desafinada de Eyehategod, Black Sabbath, Crowbar, Brainoil y Dolor que te arrastrará a un pantano auditivo y te dejará sin aliento. .

1. Wolves in the Ruins
2. Soliloquy of Belligerence
3. Nomad
4. Extinguished
5. Slumlord Blues
6. Barons of Filth