Version: Jewel Case Label: Rawforce Productions Genre: Black Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 0 Catalog: DTR2135 Year: 2015
This is their defining moment in black metal history that is an apocalyptic black metal epic. It is a must for the growing legions of fans worldwide. (2006).
Este es su momento decisivo en la historia del black metal que es una epopeya apocalíptica del black metal.Es una necesidad para las crecientes legiones de fanáticos en todo el mundo.(2006) .
1. Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss
2. A Sign for the Norse Hordes to Ride
3. The Sun No Longer Rises
4. Frozen by Icewinds
5. Storming Through Red Clouds and Holocaustwinds
6. Eternal Years on the Path to the Cemetary Gates
7. As the Eternity Opens
8. Pure Holocaust