Version: Jewel Case Label: Perro Jesus Genre: Melodic Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 2 Catalog: DTR1347 Year: 2015
These Chileans stay true to the original death metal sound- A solid, uncompromising and brutal punch in the face!.
Estos chilenos se mantienen fieles al sonido original del death metal: ¡un golpe sólido, inflexible y brutal en la cara!.
1. …and We Came from the North 2. The Sweet Revenge of the Non Human Race 3. Dominate Us All 4. The Nameless City 5. Red Carnage 6. Eater of Gods 7. Invocation of the Unlight 8. In The Ecstasy of Fire 9. The Fall of Men (Lazaroh)