Version: Jewel Case Label: Rising Nemesis Records Genre: Death Metal Type: Full-Length
Availability: 2 Catalog: DTR395 Year: 2012
The 5th release “Anthropogenic” is a must have for all old school fans of Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, including an own strong breeze of sick guitar work, melodic leads, crushing blasts and crazy growls..
El quinto lanzamiento, “Anthropogenic”, es imprescindible para todos los fanáticos de la vieja escuela de Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, que incluye una brisa propia y fuerte de guitarra, pistas melódicas, explosiones y gruñidos locos.D.
1. Green River Killer 2. Sadomasochistic Perversity 3. Compulsive Act 4. Volkhoven in Fire 5. Delicious Brain Surgery 6. Consumed 7. Butchered, Bled & Eaten 8. Chainsaw Ripper